Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good Thing

Jason and I continue to be overwhelmed by the love and support we receive. THANK YOU!! You may not realize or see until Heaven the good you are weaving into our lives, but I must try to tell you.

To our amazing families, friends, and "bloggy friends," may GOD bless each of YOU as you continue to bless us with your sweet words and prayers.

I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from You I have no good thing."

LORD, You have assigned me my portion and my cup;
You have made my lot secure.

Because He is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,

because You will not abandon me to the grave...You have made known to me the path of life;

You will fill me with joy in Your presence...

Psalm 16:2, 5, 8 - 11


  1. your little handsome man is so darn cute with his blue mouth. My best friend here is naming her little boy Zachary, due in May :)

  2. How precious are those pictures!!!!! :)

  3. I love his Bruiser Shirt....So stinkin cute :0)
    Oh and that blue sticky face is just ADORABLE....

    You are always in my thoughts and prayers.... I am so glad we have become "bloggy friends"!

    Summer :0)

  4. i am envious of the joy that blue sucker brought to zach's day! ha - so precious.

  5. Zach is such a cutie and I absolutely love the Bruiser shirt! You, sweet Katie, are as much of a blessing to us as we are to you. I promise. :-)

  6. Im sure you have already been asked this.. but where did you get the Brusier shirt?? I love it. THats what the men at church call my son!!

  7. Love the pics, Katie! He is just so adorable!! He called Abba yesterday! She beamed the rest of the day!

    The bruiser shirt is from LOVE this website!!!

  8. Katie,
    Love those pictures of Zach! The blue face and "bruiser" doesn't get much cuter than that! Praying for you always:)

  9. Oh I love his shirt! Where did you get it? Thanks for taking time to stop by our blog. May God continue to comfort you always and little Z bring smiles and laughs to you.

  10. So sweet Katie- Psalm 16:8 has been one of my favorite verses since we lost Tatum. For some reason this post made me think of a wonderful book- if you haven't read "90 Minutes in Heaven" it will be well worth your time. Still praying for you daily!

  11. Seeing Z's little face has made my day. Thinking of you today!

  12. Love the Blue face. Wouldn't it be great if we as adults could thoroughly enjoy something as simple as a sucker with pure joy like our children?

  13. That Z is gonna be a heartbreaker! He is the cutest. Thanks to you for your sweet words as well! We are all here for each other. That IS what Jesus would do!! Keep your sweet head up.

  14. I tell ya - Z has lost all of his baby! He is such a little man now! So handsome.

  15. What a cutie and that shirt is adorable!!! Praying for you today, Katie, and I always think of you when I am running...wishing you were here to be my partner!!! :)

  16. What a SWEET POST....and a sweet FACE! Can't wait to see ya'll soon!

  17. Hi Katie, I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I was thinking about you this holiday season and wanted to let you know that your family and baby girl were in my prayers during this time of year. I hope you have a very happy and healthy 2010.

    Take care.

  18. LOL! The blue face reminds me of a wedding shower I attended. The hostess had ordered a bright ocean blue frosted cake (it was in the 90's, it was a popular color then.)It was really a ridiculously uptight event...well until all the women started eating the cake. The funny thing is no one commented and proceeded to chat away as though the person they were talking to was the only one who needed a napkin. I, on the other hand ,thought that it was one of the funniest things I had seen. Still do. It was the same shower with defective cups..where all the long stems kept detaching from the cup itself. The bride and groom are still married. I was worried that they might be cursed by cupid. The shower planner was not their wedding planner. Ha!
    Sorry to digress...your son's face just made me laugh. Thanks :)

    As always you are kind in thanking everyone for the support but I know everyone that follows your blog...actually thanks you and your family for sharing your true heart and faithfulness.

  19. Zach is so handsome.
    Thank your for your support on my though road. If everything is according to plan, I will be heading home today, after 16 days at the hospital.

  20. Oh he is just too precious for words...and the t-shirt is great. I so need one for my little "bruiser". What website did you get it off it:) Praying for you Katie!

  21. Love the "bruiser" shirt and super blue face:) He is too precious for words. Praying and thinking of you and your family. Danielle

  22. How beautiful and I love Zachary's blue face - he gets cuter every day and you are a very beautiful person inside and out, Katie. Sending lots of love and hugs. Have a great weekend! :o)

  23. I just came across your is just so sweet!I am now following. Feel free to follow mine! Love meeting new people on here!Your little boy is just precious!!! You are in my prayers:)

  24. That blue face is just priceless. Have a wonderful weekend.

  25. You are such an amazing woman of God. I am so thankful that I found your blog. I can't even imagine the pain you are going through. I just had brain surgery on Dec. 8th and i discovered this song.It is Footprints in the Sand by Leona Lewis. I listened to it everyday before my surgery. I knew that God was with me all the way. If you have time listen to it on Youtube. Many blessing to you. Sandi

  26. What a cute little man...think of you often...

  27. Such sweet pictures!

    And you do not realize the impact you are having on our lives as well. I acutally wrote a little something about your blog in one of my posts. Here is the link if you are interested:
    So if you are ever wondering if all your writing is really having an effect on anyone...yes, it is!
    I do not know you in real life, but your story really spoke to one life and continues to every time I read your posts. Thank you for letting "strangers" into your life! It continues to bless me!


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