Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reese's Ornaments

I have been wanting something specific to grasp onto this Christmas season because honestly I can't wait for it to be over. I'm so thankful Jesus sees into my heart and knows me so well. He gave me an answer through a friend's prayer for us. She is praying we will know Emmanuel, GOD with us this Christmas, and now this is my prayer, too.

Several people have given us ornaments for Reese, and I have to share them. ; )

Restore us, O God Almighty; make Your face shine upon us...

Psalm 80:7


  1. I love the oranments! Friends can be the best!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Katie -

    I'm so glad you shared Reese's ornaments. My favorite is the last one recognizing Reese's first Christmas in heaven. It brought tears to my eyes...

    I kind of fell off the blog world in September following my dad's death - the result of an ATV accident. As I have grieved his death I have thought and prayed for you so often. Grief is so hard to bear but at least we can go through it with the body of Christ. Every blog post of yours ministers to me and I can't thank you enough for that.

    Reese's first Christmas in heaven will also be my dad's first. As hard as it is to be here without them, I'm sure they are a part of a celebration like nothing we can imagine here on earth.

    Praying for you sweet sister -

  4. Katie, they are SO sweet!! I love the ornaments!!

  5. The ornaments are absolutely beautiful, Katie! What precious tributes to your beautiful girl.

    You have been on my mind a great deal during this Christmas season but I must admit to know knowing exactly WHAT to ask the Lord for where you and Jason were concerned. Now I do so thank you for sharing and being incredibly honest about your feelings :-).

    You are a phenomenal woman and are a blessing to so many.

  6. oh those are amazing ornaments! Thank you for sharing them with us and how nice of people to send them to you!

  7. this is my grandpa's first christmas in heaven as well and he always loved babies and so i can just see him and reese playing and smiling. you are truly amazing and wonderful and God has given you such love and warmth in your heart that even though i just started reading your blog, it illuminates from you in every post! God bless you and your family and you are in our prayers this Christmas and New Year.

  8. Reese's ornaments are beautiful!I know they are a special treasure for you and Jason. Thank you for sharing them with us. I am praying for you today, sweet sister in Christ!
    May God give you the grace and comfort you need, and the joy that our loving Savior can give!
    And one day, he will turn your ashes of sorrow into joy~Isaiah 61:3

  9. Love them! I realized that for my two children, I have one ornament a piece for when they were born. Lilliana, however, I am up to 4 now? Just can't have enough!

  10. Katie- I totally understand, I was so ready for it all to over last year as well and did not really enjoy any of it. I love all your sweet ornaments, especially the bottom one. I found that picture after I lost Tatum and just loved it-- it is exactley what I see when I think of our girls with Jesus!

  11. I love the ornaments Katie! You have been in my thoughts and prayers often and I hope you get some peace this holiday season!
    Oh and I can't wait for ya to post Christmas pictures of Z!!
    Summer :0)

  12. love the ornaments. Reese will celebrate Christmas with the One we are celebrating-- what sweet Hope our Jesus is! Praying for you!

  13. Beautiful ornaments! What a beautiful way to see her in your Christmas surroundings! Thank God for Godly friends! They know just what to say or pray!

  14. I LOVE the ornaments! They are beautiful - just like her!
    Stephen Curtis Chapman was on GMC yesterday talking about how he copes with the loss of his daughter and that's exactly what he said - EMMANUEL - God with us. God is with you and him and all those who are hurting.
    Praying for you Katie!

  15. Just stumbled across your blog and enjoyed the visit. Such sweet pictures and an adorable family! Happy holidays!

  16. Katie dear, I PROMISE you that each year it will get easier. It is hard to see that right now. I felt the same way you do the Christmas after we had Madison. Only I didn't want a tree, I didn't want to go to any celebrations with family, I just wanted it to be over. I did have a tree though, like you do, and got some very special ornaments too. I LOVED to see her name on all of them, and still do. Christmas is still the hardest time for me. It's hard to see 5 stockings on the mantle, but one of them empty. I write a letter to Madison every year on Christmas, and though I know she'll never read them, I tell her about our year, and they stay in the stocking. But Christmas day when all the others are full of gifts and lie on the floor, hers remains hanging on the mantle. It is hard for me. I read a book every year around this time by a dear friend of mine who lost her daughter too. It reminds me that God is sovereign, and sort of reminds me how to grieve in a Godly way. The rest of the year I'm pretty cool....but holidays are just tough when someone is missing. I probably would have bought her first makeup this year, and it would have been fun. I miss her. I miss what I didn't get to experience with her.

    I'll be praying for you fervently over the next couple weeks....

    Love, Kathryn

  17. I love the ornaments.

    I am praying for you, Katie!

  18. What sweet friends you have! Those ornaments are awesome. My favorite one is the first one!!! So cool...

    I am so glad that you can be honest with your emotions and feelings...believe me, it has helped me to be more real about myself. Ouch...it's hard sometimes.

    I'm glad you were able to enjoy some laughter with the gift exchange the other day. :)

  19. Those ornaments are simply beautiful!!!!! Love you!!

  20. Hi Katie. Idea. How about having a "Reese Tree"? You can decorate one small tree just for her every year as kind of a tribute to her sweet life and a reminder that she is with Jesus and that is what this Season is about anyway. I know this is a hard time for you. Just know I am thinking about your Family this month especially. Keep your sweet head up.

  21. I love all Reese's ornaments, they are so pretty! Thank you for the sweet card you sent in the mail, it made my day when I received it. I hope this Christmas you can feel the arms of Jesus wrapped around you, as they are around Reese as well.

  22. The ornaments are beautiful!

    What a great blessing friends are!! I'm so thankful you have so many surrounding you during these last few months!


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