Sunday, October 5, 2014

September Stuff

September was full! Lots of things going on, wonderful things and hard things, but it's not time for serious talk.
Zach just "graduated" to the Kids' Theater at church. It's a big deal!
He was given a Bible by our pastor during the morning service.
We've caught some Friday night football games. We asked both boys if they want to play football when they are older. Zach says, "No" and Colson says "Yes" so we'll see!
The boys had Grandparents' Day at school. They look too grown up!
                                           Jason's parents were able to come, and the boys loved showing them all the details in their rooms.
 Last weekend we went to Dallas to call those Hogs at Cowboy stadium. This was our fifth time to go to a game as a family, and of course I loved being with them. Ah it was a heartbreaker though!
Not all the cousins were there, but these four had a blast!
A friend texted me this picture, and this is a Scripture passage that has become close to my heart. 

Fall is in full swing!

I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws.

Psalm 119:30 


  1. You have been on my heart lately. I was so glad to see you posted today! The boys are looking so grown up...I have been reading your blog since Zach was one--where did the time go?!

    Prayers and hugs to you!

  2. Hunter's face in that pic of the 4 of them cracks me up. Fun weekend, busy month! Love you so.

  3. Sorry to hear you have had some hards times but glad to see a post. I hope you are all doing well.

  4. I have missed seeing what your family is up to. Sending prayers and positive thoughts. Blessings to you all!

  5. Katie - You have such a lovely family. We had a special speaker at church last Sunday who has a month old son born with minimal brain activity. They were told he would only live 4-5 days. He shared lessons that the Lord taught them as they prayed over this little life. It reminded me once again to pray for you.

  6. We are missing you. It's been 2 months since your last post. Hope all is well with you and your family.

  7. I've been missing you so much. Can you "come back to us"? Can you share what has been happening with you/your family? Seems as if I know you from following you for years. Lois



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