Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Oh Happiness! Winner

Thanks everyone for entering this giveaway!

My Oh Happiness winner is #65.

Congrats, Leanne!

I'll email you with details. 

Yes, I have spoken; so I will also bring it about. I have planned it; I will also do it.

Isaiah 46:11

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Saturday we celebrated Jason's grandmother's 90th birthday! Wow. I only have 57 more years to go. Ha.
 She was very surprised! So sweet.
 My mom and dad came to the party, too. ; )
Love that I married into this family!

By Myself I have sworn; Truth has gone from My mouth, a word that will not be revoked.

Isaiah 45:23

Monday, August 26, 2013

Oh Happiness! Giveaway

I have a fun Monday giveaway for ya'll!

Sarah from Oh Happiness! is giving away a set of pregnancy prayer cards to one of my readers. She has the cutest etsy shop with invitations and prints. The quality of the paper is great, and the colors and designs are creative. I love stationery! 
 A little bit of Sarah's testimony and description of the cards...

"I worked at a Pregnancy Crisis Center for a few years where I counseled young women who were unsure if they wanted to end their pregnancies. Hearing their pleas to connect with their unborn baby gave me a passion to help them view their pregnancy not just as a medical condition, but as a growing relationship with their little one.

That is part of what lead me to create these cards, along with being unsure how to pray "big prayers" when I was pregnant with my own son. Praying specific prayers each week made me feel like I had known him forever the first moment they put him in my arms.

There are 38 cards that cover 42 weeks of pregnancy. Each weekly card details new developments for your baby and a specific way you can pray for them as they grow. For instance, when their hands and feet begin to grow in week 7, we pray that they would learn to be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve others. Or in week 21 when their tongue is fully formed, we pray that they would use it to encourage others instead of tearing them down. Each week also includes Scripture to pray or memorize that matches the prayer request."
I love this. There is nothing more important than praying Scripture over your children. What a great gift idea, too!

Please leave a comment to enter and don't forget to include your email address.

I will pick a winner Wednesday night!

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end- it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:3

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sweet Song

How is it already Thursday? Z has loved kinder (yea!), and Colson has loved being by himself. It has been nice not to break up all the fights. ; )
I never want to forget this sweet little voice. Colson is always up for a song. I love how he says, "...the Bible tells me soap."

Do not let my heart turn to any evil thing...

Psalm 141:4

Monday, August 19, 2013

Day of Firsts

I answered a few questions in my previous post comments. ; )

Today was a big day! Zach started kinder and Colson had his first soccer practice. There were no tears from anyone! Ha.

Cutie pie
How is summer already over? I still have a few more weeks with Colson at least. I think he'll kind of like all the attention.
Colson acted as if he was made for soccer. He's never played a day in his life!

I can hardly stand it.

Hello school and all things scheduled!

I will go before you and level the uneven places...

Isaiah 45:2

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sand & Sun

We are enjoying our last week before school begins! Last night we met Zach's teacher, and he meets her this morning. I'm so excited. The beach was our last little hurrah of the summer. ; )
  Cols loves the boogie board.
Lots of sweet cuddles
Double trouble
Every year Gran buys the grandkids shirts for some fun pics. ; )
Happy Friday!

Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me...

Psalm 23:4

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It's truly amazing to be carried by prayer. For the past few days I've felt such peace and protection that can only come from the LORD. Thank you for praying for us! We feel each and every prayer.

Reese's birthday was a sweet day. I don't think I'll ever be able to call it a good day, but it will always be a day we celebrate her and our family. Jason and I took the boys to buy flowers and feed the ducks at the memorial gardens. After this we had a picnic lunch and did a little hiking. 
 Zach always knows exactly what flowers he wants for his sister. It's really funny. I'll try to get him to pick something else, but he rarely likes my ideas. I have no idea why Colson is carrying around a bungee cord but oh well. 
 These two boys. It's hard to stand the cuteness in our house. ; )
 We celebrated with ice cream cake that night. Of course the boys had to see who could blow out the most candles. There is usually always something funny thrown in to moments like these. Keeps things a little lighter, right?
A sweet friend sent me these two beach pics and said Reese's life was like a sunrise, so beautiful and so brief. LOVE this.

You hem me in behind and before,
    and You lay Your hand upon me.

Psalm 139:5

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Happy 4th Birthday, Reese Catherine!

This is the second year we've released balloons at the beach for Reese's birthday with Jason's family. It's becoming a very special tradition. I just keep thinking what a beautiful little girl she must be. I wish I could see her sweet face right now.

Four years later and it's still so hard. Some days I wonder how my heart beats it's so broken. My tears still flow, yet God is still good and today we celebrate our little girl. We love you, Reese!

The LORD is righteous in all His ways, and gracious in all His acts.

Psalm 145:17

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Beachy Beach

We've been at the beach this week! Lots of swimming in the ocean and pool, eating, and chasing kids everywhere. I even finished a book I started several months ago. ; )
Can't wait to share more pics. Only one more week of summer at our house!

Our Father in Heaven, Your name be honored as holy.

Matthew 6:9

Friday, August 2, 2013

It's August Already?

Hello, August! What do you have in store for me? It's a big month with Reese's 4th birthday and Zach starting kinder in two weeks. We are still hanging onto summer as long as we can.

I am loving these days with our boys. I don't know how I could love them any more than I already do!
 Zach is my little "bug whisperer." See the moth on his arm? He likes to know which bugs I like so he goes through a list. I tell him I like butterflies and ladybugs. Roly polies and moths are ok but that's about it. ; )
A woman told me at the pool that Zach should be in a Brazilian kids' magazine. Ha! I haven't heard this one before.

Oh, Colson. How can I ever take you seriously? ; )

Happy Friday!

O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.

Psalm 5:3