Sunday, February 17, 2013

Full Week

We've been running all week! The boys went to bed at 6:15 tonight. ; ) They are completely worn out.

A few things we've been up to this week (besides too much candy and too many sweets!)...
A little visit to the retirement home to pass out Valentines
Cookie decorating

School parties
And a Friday night Razorback tennis match  - I don't know how they've kept up!
The time has come for me to start emptying Zach's pockets when he comes home from school. This week he started bringing home some "treasures."
This afternoon the boys were playing outside, and I looked up to see this precious sight. We heard Zach teaching Colson letters. It was so sweet! Of course this is not how it is all the time, but I'll take it. ; )

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

Proverbs 4:18


  1. That last picture is the best! What a sweet brother moment!!

  2. Zach looks so big! I guess that means I have one that big. They grow too fast!!! So cute!

  3. I read this on Pintrest about a mom who kept all those treasures her son found.


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