Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This Week

This week is flying by!
Zach loves "Where's Waldo" type books lately, so we checked one out from the library. Even Colson can find him which amazes me. ; )
 We are in full gear for Valentine's Day. Ha! I like to keep the boys busy since we don't go outside much. ; ) Zach picked out these robots and monkeys for his school party. 

The Valentine candy in all the stores is killing me. Colson wanted some chocolate hearts so I bought them, and of course I'm the only one eating them. I don't do well with candy just out in my house!
 I am working on robot V-Day shirts for the boys. I like this little guy, but his eyes and mouth about did me in. ; )
The neighborhood kids have been playing together a lot lately. So fun! They just go from house to house, and the moms text each other and watch them go back and forth. 

I was watching Colson driving around in our neighbors' yard, and he said, "Bye, Mom!" I don't think so!

Hope you're having a great week!

For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the LORD.

Ephesians 5:8


  1. I LOVE the idea of the robot on the t-shirt. I'll have to try that with my kiddos.

  2. I hope my daughter checks out your blog and sees the robot. Her boys would love them. Face it Katie, one of these days Colson WILL be driving, and hopefully not in the neighbor's yard!

  3. i totally hear you about the Valentines Day candy! I can't stop myself!!! My hubby comes home with treats for my daughter and who do you think eats them?

  4. Look at your being all crafty! Somewhere I lost my crafty skills, I need to get them back! I love the robot shirts, too cute! ;)

  5. Look how big Colson looks! Now how do you do the shirts?? Did you already post this? No worries about last ended up being VERY CRAZY here too. My sweet friend here had appendectomy emergently of course and we ended up driving all over town getting kids situated to spend the night, etc in addition to birthday stuff! I don't have heytell on new phone..will get it back on there!

  6. Where did you get the robots and monkeys? I like that idea :)


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