Sunday, January 13, 2013

Operation Christmas Tree

This past summer two families that we just love and have known for years moved into our neighborhood. Thankfully the guys have not put on scary masks to run around and scare us wives, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Recently one of our neighbors put their Christmas tree in our pond. It's not really our pond, but since we've lived in the neighborhood the longest and it's by our house we feel like it is. ; )  

Our neighbor had great intentions of creating a home for fish with the tree, but the problem was that it never sank to the bottom. 
We've watched this tree float all around the pond this past week. The boys started calling it an island. Ha! It was driving Jason crazy so today he took things into his own hands.
 He "returned" the tree! The boys were excited to go on an adventure with their Daddy.
I think we may have started something...

Hope you had a great weekend!

My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19


  1. Oh, that's hilarious!

    My FIL just got our tree yesterday (finally...ha!) to put in his pond. I hope it sinks!

  2. Still don't know where ET is.....

  3. Hilarious!! If there ends up being more to this story of the "returned" tree you'll have to tell us about it!


  4. bwhahahaha I love this so funny! I needed this laugh! Jason and the boys look so much alike! I love that he took matters into his own hands and the boys thought the tree was an island bwhahahaha!

    love you girl

  5. That's funny! So did he return it to their house?! Did they know he did it? That would drive me crazy to see it too.

  6. Oh, I can't wait to see where this goes. Keep us posted! Zach is learning at an early age how to be a prankster. love it!


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