Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Love you mom, and love you Trish!
My sweet Dad sent me these beautiful roses, and the boys gave me a pink butterfly bush. I'm a lucky mama. ; ) I can't wait to see all the butterflies.
Another little treat was seeing one of my Baylor roommates Rebekah and her little Mitchell. They were in town for the weekend, and we got to hang out all Friday afternoon. Loved every second.
 This is what makes my Mother's Day the best day ever. I am so in love with my husband and adore our boys.
 Shannon and Cody dedicated Reagan in church this morning. She did great!
G-Daddy and Gran with their hands full. ; )
We grilled out at Shannon's for lunch, and she made these yummy cupcakes. Aren't the toppers cute?

I hope today is special if you're a mom or if you're still waiting for GOD's timing for you to be one. Keep believing. He is faithful.

I'm going to wait until tomorrow to do Colson's 22 month Picky Sticky giveaway. ; )

But You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. 

Psalm 3:3


  1. You have a beautiful family! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. LOVE your dress!! Where is it from? Your family is beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Happy Mother's Day, Katie! I love how Shannon always finds a way to honor Reese.

  4. Happy Mother's Day to YOU! Prayed for you all day long!

  5. I love seeing Reese's name it always makes me smile as I know it does you! HOw sweet of Shannon to put her sweet precious name on such a sweet precious cupcake! Girl I am lovin' your dress! Where did you get it? Your boys are precious! That is what it is all about our kiddos, that is what makes our day so special you got that right! You have such a beautiful family and I am so glad you had such a great day! You deserve it pretty girl

  6. love the cupcakes and the toppers. Shannon is so talented!

  7. That comment you wrote made me smile. He is faithful, isn't He? Love you sweet friend. Happy Mother's Day! And as always...

  8. It sound like you had a blessed day! I am so happy to see your family always includes Resse! You all look so sweet in that family picture. HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY!

  9. Happy Mother's Day sweet friend!


  10. It looks like yall had a great day! And I am so jealous of your arms.. They are super toned.. And again, I am major jealous!! :)

  11. Looks like a special Mother's Day, Katie. It always touches my heart to see how your family honors Reese.

  12. happy mother's day!!! I know Reese was smiling up in heaven. She is so lucky to have you and those boys are beyond blessed! You look great Katie! ps. love chevron, where did you get your dress if you dont mind me asking?

  13. I love that your family always includes Reese in all family gatherings and holidays :) Also, I LOVE your dress!! Where is it from? Happy Mother's Day!

  14. You are so beautiful and so is your family. The cupcakes are adorable!

    Hope you had a good Mother's Day!

  15. I love love love Colson's wild hair!! Your boys are both so cute!

  16. your family is so beautiful!
    seeing Reese's topper makes my heart ache for you..I know she must be so proud that you are her momma!

  17. you look amazing as always!! Hope your Mother's day was great. I can't believe how big the boys are getting.

  18. thanks soo much! Yes, gross but true hehe


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