Monday, January 23, 2012

All About Z

I want to remember what Zach is like at this age and what he is up to. He is always saying and doing the funniest things. The grandparents may be the only ones who care about this post!

I still can't believe he is four. He has Jason's long legs and a killer smile. He has a tender heart, and he's working on consistently sharing and being sweet to Colson. ; )
Every morning when he wakes up he has to get out of his pjs and put on his play clothes. I have no idea why it's just what he likes to do! He does this by himself before he ever comes downstairs. He usually picks out a green shirt. ; )

He then sneaks downstairs and tries to scare me. I'm usually in the bathroom getting ready and even when I hear his little footsteps he always makes me jump.
Most days he asks me, "Where are we going today?" or "What's the plan?"

One day he saw me writing in my calendar (a it!), and said, "Does that book tell us what we do?"

On the way to school or Bible study or the gym he eats a granola bar because he usually sleeps so late there is not enough time to eat at our house.

Whenever we leave the house he has to take one or two or five things with him. He usually picks out cars and puts them in his pockets.
He only naps once or twice a week now (sigh...but we've had a great run so I'm not complaining!), but he goes to bed easily around 7:30. Our nights are much more calm. ; )

He does get shy sometimes when we are in public, and he's like a different kid! He will hide beside me until he warms up.
I love watching him give Colson one of his favorite toys to play with.

I love seeing when he stops himself before getting upset and rephrases what he wants or needs. 

I love that he wants me to still hold him.
I love that he is talking more and more about his sister Reese.

Z and I have some of our best conversations in the car. Recently he told me while I was driving that he wanted to fly to the moon in a rocket ship one day. This led to us talking about flying and how angels fly and why it's dark at night and why we can't see Heaven. 

He then asked me if Jesus and Reese could fly, and out of no where he said, "Jesus carries Reese." I guess he was thinking if Jesus could fly then He must carry Reese since she is a baby. Just hearing his little voice say this was the sweetest thing. 

I love that he is connecting his sister to so many things, and I love talking with him about her.

Four is a fun age minus the fits. ; )

For He is our peace...

Ephesians 2:14


  1. He is so precious. Love that Polo shirt on him :)

  2. so sweet, katie! i wish libbi would take after zach and want to put on her "play clothes" is a fight to get her out of her jammies every day! :)
    it's funny how they can be shy out in public and then totally wild at home isn't it? we have one of those, too :)

  3. I am seriously in love with your handsome little boy! :) What a precious soul you have to still hold... xoxox

  4. I love this post- what a precious insight for those of us who do not get to see z grow up! And I am not surprised one bit that he likes to scare you because you are still the funnest person I have ever scared! Love you and miss you!

  5. such a sweet post for a handsome little fella!

  6. He is soo handsome!! I love his Polo shirt. That color is perfect on him!

  7. Lots of cute things to remember!! Four is fun!! Your little Z is so super handsome!!! So sweet that he talks about Reese like that! I am sure that does your heart so much good! It brought tears to my eyes.

  8. Dillon loves going places too. So funny!!

  9. I enjoyed this post! Love this kind of stuff. Katie, you are so good about documenting things. Your boys will look back later in life (or their wives) and thank you. :)

    What a precious thing that Z said about Jesus carrying Reese.

  10. I know!!! I love this age. My daughter sounds just like Zach. It's such fun when she says something about God or makes me laugh. I agree with you. -The fits can be stressful, but they are few and far between!

  11. I don't know if I've ever commented on your blog, but I love reading it. Your story has touched my heart about Reese. Both of your little boys are so precious.

  12. He's just as cute as he can be!! My boy just turned 5 and they sound alot alike. :).

  13. Aww... what a sweet tribute post to Z. He's looks like such a sweet little man and he just gets cuter every day. :) Thanks for sharing "Z" with all of us! I always enjoy catching up on you and your family and seeing how things are going with all of you. I'm still looking forward to and hoping to actually meet you and your beautiful family in person the next time we are in your area! :) Big hugs (((((((())))))))

  14. Your little guy has such a sweet face; watch out girlies...I love reading your posts..both your boys are precious and I love their gorgeous brown eyes and their big happy....we've not ever met, I follow your blog thru my and your family are very dear.....Debbie in Decatur, IL


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