Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bible Study & Butterflies

My Bible study on Daniel ended today, and wow what a ride! I had no idea all the prophecy it contained and how GOD revealed it to Daniel all those years ago. What a rich book. I loved it.

The boys were all smiles this morning before we left. I can't believe they actually sat still for ten seconds. They are such messes. ; )
One of our caterpillars became a butterfly this morning! We were gone when it happened. We have three more cocoons, so hopefully we will be able to watch at least one come out. ; )
Thankfully we did not have to travel with them over Thanksgiving. I was worried about that. ; )

I declare the end from the beginning...My plan will take place,
    and I will do all My will. 

Isaiah 46:10

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Friends & Trees

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Lots of food, fun, family, and friends. ; ) Of course lots of chaos, too. What would holidays be without that?
I was lucky enough to see this cutie along with her sweet mama. Sadie is such a doll! Laura also came over with her two precious boys Braysen and Brock. Oh my goodness I loved loving on those babies. 

Just like Hil said, these girls just get me and this really is priceless! So thankful for them.
 My nieces Allie and Mary helped my mom put up her Christmas tree last week. My mom overheard them talking about putting Reese's picture in the front of the tree. Then they put her rattle close to her, too. Then when they got out the angels they wanted to hang them all around her! 

This means so much, and it was so simple. I love their faith and sensitive hearts.

Last night the candle lighting service we've been to the last two years was cancelled due to weather. I was sad but hopefully it will be rescheduled. It's always such a sweet service.

We already had a sitter, and our friends Candy and Kyle had asked us earlier in the day if we wanted to go to a Razorback basketball game so we took them up on their offer! It worked out perfectly.
Today we put up our tree. It's not finished yet but close! Z got the instructions out and told Jason how to put it together. ; )

A few things I want to remember about Z at this phase in his life...

1. The other day he got in trouble for disobeying. He cried and said, "You're hurting my feelings. You're disobeying God!" 

Even though it was cute, I had no sympathy.

2. When I do laundry I put Zach's clean clothes on the stairs to take up wheneven we go. It tends to pile up at times, and recently Zach told me, "I'm going to get dressed on the stairs" like that's where his clothes belonged. This morning I found him there getting dressed, too. Sad but funny! It's just life. ; )

Stay warm!

 At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home.

Zephaniah 3:20

Friday, November 25, 2011


I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

Ephesians 1:16

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Recently our gym offered one free tennis lesson for a child and a friend, so of course I thought of Zach and Kohen. I knew they would love it!
All day before the lesson Z kept saying he didn't want to go because he didn't know how to play. I told him we would just go watch Kohen, and he was ok with that. ; ) I was a little worried though.
Thankfully, he jumped right in.
I had fun watching these two cuties, and their teacher did a great job with them.
Is it just me or do ya'll feel completely overwhelmed? Not necessarily in a bad way either. Sometimes I can be peaceful on the outside yet so anxious inside. I feel no matter how much I try to simplify our lives, it's still crazy! Ahhh just one day at a time, right? Sometimes just one hour at a time.

One of my favorite things about living in the "country" is the beautiful sunrises and sunsets we see. So peaceful. I'm so thankful we serve such a creative GOD!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

O LORD, what is man that you care for him, the son of man that You think of him?

Psalm 144:3

Monday, November 21, 2011

Party Party

Thanks for your sweet birthday wishes! We had a wonderful day celebrating Z.

His party was at a bounce house place (again!), and I loved watching him and his little friends running around. It was so much fun seeing my sweet friends, too.
my crazy crew
Z wanted a tow truck on his cookie cake, so we went with it. ; )
Colson thought he was big stuff and had the best time walking around and playing.
Love Westin's face!
Z & Parker
one of my new favorites
Cody, Jason, & Andy
Rebekah, Kate, Lissa, & Ashley
Jennifer, Jillian, Helga, Stacy, & Lindsey
Candy, Wyatt, Kyle, & Kohen
Shelby is such a sweetheart! She is always such a big help with the boys.
Brody, Ava, & Cilla
Singing happy birthday to Z (complete with chips on his face!).
Bless G Dad's heart for being so patient putting together Zach's new toys. ; ) 

My big boy already seems older, and he's only been 4 two days!

*I ordered the boys shirts off etsy at this site. ; )

Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live.

Psalm 116:2

Saturday, November 19, 2011

4 I mean 3

Happy 4th birthday to my sweet boy!

Lately we've been talking with Zach about turning four. He says, "No, I don't want to be four! I want to be three."
We really didn't know how to respond other than to say he's right, life is much easier when you're young. ; )
So we've been telling him that even though he'll have a birthday party he can be 3 again. Minus the fits and tears and drama. ; )
He wants to be a big boy and treated like one, but he also does not want to grow up.
I really think he's got it figured out. ; )

Zachary John, Happy 4th birthday my little man! Four sounds so much older than three.

You have no idea how much we love you. We prayed so hard to get you and what a gift you are to your daddy and me. 

You are serious yet funny, smart yet silly, and sensitive yet strong.

You are also strong-willed and make me want to pull out every strand of hair on my head some days, BUT I've never been so challenged to be the mom you need me to be. The mom GOD wants me to be.

I have started praying out loud over you when we are in a struggle, and the other day you said, "Why you say Jesus, Mommy?"

You make me laugh like no one else can.

GOD has great plans for you, Zach. We love watching you grow and learn. We are so proud of you!

All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.

Isaiah 54:13

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Will Laugh for Food

When Zach was a baby, he had a cute little laugh we just loved. All the nursery workers at church knew him just from his laugh. I miss it! Now Colson does it sometimes, and I was able to catch him. ; )
He has never eaten an ice cream sandwich like this either!
It's fun seeing him walk, too. He likes to lead with his belly. ; )
Zach's birthday is Saturday, so we are taking these cookies to school tomorrow for all his little friends in his class. I wish I could say I made them, but I didn't. ; ) Aren't they too cute? 

This I know, that God is for me.

Psalm 56:9

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Picky Sticky Winner

Thank you all for entering!

The winner is #16.

Congrats Ashley at Everyday with the Eatons!

I will email you with the details. ; )

Good night, ya'll.

For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. 

Ephesians 1:4

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy 16 Months & Giveaway

Today this little guy is 16 months old. ; )

Colson, you are the happiest baby, but you're not so much a baby anymore. You are walking a lot (yea!) and getting more steady every day. 

You smile and laugh all the time. You like to cuddle and have a hint of shyness around other people.

You're our gift of grace, and we can't wait to see what GOD has in store for your life.

I love you love you love you!

It's time for another Picky Sticky giveaway! Ya'll know the drill. 

The stickers are a great way to document your pregnancy, a baby's first or second year of life, or to remember milestones. There are so many designs to choose from for both boys and girls.

Leave a comment to win a Gift Voucher for $15 on a set of Picky Stickys.

Don't forget to leave your email address if this is the best way for me to contact you.

I'll announce the winner Tuesday!

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. 

Psalm 62:5