Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Laid Back

This bouncer has been a life saver since Zach was born. Even though Z did not use it for long, Colson still loves it!
We laugh because of how low it bends down to the floor. When he is not in it it sits up much higher. He just crawls right out when he's ready.

Yes, he still drinks milk out of a bottle. Don't judge. ; )

Recently I was reading an article about Hoda Kotb. She is a breast cancer survivor, and I've taken to heart a few of the things she said. I know it's random, but I thought you might like them, too. 

"Don't hog your journey. It's not just for you."

"Surround yourself only with people who fill you up. Suddenly, you're halfway up and fearless, because you almost lost everything."
This is just because I've been looking at old pictures. Zach was about Colson's age here. ; ) Time flies!

Night will no longer exist...because the Lord God will give them light.

Revelation 22:5


  1. Wow...I love both of those comments. Thank you Katie! I hope you are enjoying your fall. Atlanta is beautiful this time of year.


  2. Hey sweet girl;)
    Colson is so precious! Love that he still drinks milk from a bottle..Camden was close to two when he gave that up!
    Love those words from Hoda Kotb. Oh, and Colson looks so much more like Zach as he gets older. They are two gorgeous boys!!

  3. At least he drinks milk! My now 2.5 year old refused to drink milk unless it was in a bottle (and warm)....I wish I had realized that the important thing was that he was drinking milk and NOT what he was drinking it from! Now he never even drinks it at all. I wish I had kept some bottles around....maybe I'll buy one and see if he'll go for it!

  4. We used our bouncer until about a month ago (until he was 1!). He loved lounging while watching Baby Einsteins. Then he started trying to surf on it!!! I'm not kidding, lol! Then I had to let it go:(

  5. I have that bouncy seat and my baby boy loves it too!!!

  6. Colson looks so comfy in the bouncy! I remember getting it out for baby #2 and A loved hanging out in it. :)

  7. Colson looks so big in that bouncer! These pictures are adorable and ones you can cherish forever! Love, love, love!

  8. I can't believe he can still get in the bouncy!!!!! so funny:)

  9. Awe!! Look at how much Colson resembles Zach :) They are both such cutie pies :))) And girl no worries on the bottle, we all do what works and that is different for everybody!! It is VERY evident that your kiddos are loved so that is ALL that matters :)))) Love YOU!

  10. the first picture is hilarious! so cute!! no judgment here, my 16mo gets a bottle of milk before bed. i can't seem to give it up, he's my baby!!

  11. I haven't commented in awhile, but I admire you letting Colson be a baby for as long as he wants to be. :) I love Hoda too! Great words to live by.

  12. Both of your boy's are just beautiful! I personaly think people take bottles away from babies way to early. Women nurse babies for one to two years...what is the difference? Let him be a baby as long as you can.
    I love reading about your sweet little family!

  13. I am so glad to see that Colson still drinks from a bottle, because my daughter is one day younger than Colson and she does too! Her name is Katie by the way :). I have been feeling a little stressed about giving it up. But I figure she won't go to college with it and it won't keep her out of heaven, so I am not going to stress!

    Your boys are adorable!

  14. I just came across your blog for the first time and I was so happy to see the picture of your older son in that bouncy seat. I have the same one and l my 3 year old lines to sit in it since we have brought his baby sister home. They are durable for sure!

  15. I read that exact same article and took note of those exact same quotes - in fact, I used them and that article when I was teaching a class just recently! You and I must think alike. I knew there was a reason I liked you ;) Thinking ALOT about you lately and praying for you today (and, well, always ;)) ~ Love ya!

  16. thanks for sharing..ilove hoda!!

    and omg..hahahahaha..i can't believe he can still sit in that.
    girl,don't you let anyone judge you..he is your BABY..pshh.
    the world is hard enough..let him have that baba!

  17. One of our granddaughters laid in her bouncy for a very long time as well. She loved to lay in it to watch tv. I bet she was two before she gave it up!

  18. Bawahahah...love how Colson still loves his bouncer. Maximus gets in his...or I actually put him in there and he'll go CRAZY making that thing go up and down. He almost bottoms it out. haha...and it's developed a major squeak!

    Random question, but can I ask you what camera you use? I am looking for a new one and you always seem to take such clear, crispt photos and the action shots aren't blurry. I'm wondering if I need to upgrade to a DSLR?


  19. Love the bouncer picture, too cute! And my mom let my brother and I drink out of bottles off and on our whole childhood (up until about kindergarten)...and we turned out just fine! haha!

  20. Um. Yeah. My daughter totally kept her binky until she was 2 months from turning 5. Then I "lost" it. No judgment here. :)


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