Sunday, August 28, 2011

the Beach

We had a wonderful time with Jason's family in Destin. Our last hoorah of the summer!
All ready to go (this is packing light for us)
I have no idea how we all fit, but I did have a cooler at my feet. ; )
When did my sweet boy get so old? Z was a little brown berry after the second day. : ) He could not get enough of the pool.
Cute baby face


Colson didn't know what to think his first day on the beach. He took it all in.

Yes, Z is wearing undies. He doesn't like to be on the beach (or out of the pool) with a wet bathing suit on so he just took it off. ; )
Colson & Papa

Z & G-Daddy
Colson & G-Daddy
Z is way too young to be giving me this face! He was not happy with me. Kind of makes me sad.
This is where Colson spent a lot of his time. It worked perfectly.
We took family beach pics our last night in Destin, but that's another post. The boys start school tomorrow! Is it silly I'm nervous? ; )

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7


  1. Beautiful pics of a beautiful beach vacation and a beautiful family!

    My Mom used to call us little brown berries in the summer. Zach really is so handsome, Katie!

    Preschool starts Tuesday for us. When I realized that earlier today, I got a little knot in my stomach. I'm a little nervous too.

    Can't wait to see your family pics.

    Oh, love the feather accessorie, Katie! That's very hip of you! :)

  2. Oh yeah, tell me more about that giant bag with the large pink polka dots! I think we all might need one of those to carry all of the things we NEED when traveling with small children.

  3. No, its not silly. All these milestones make us mommies nervous! ;) I hope it goes well!
    Looks like yall had fun at the beach! What a funny pic of Z mad at you, its priceless! And you look beautiful, you make me want to go to the gym;)

  4. You are all soooo tan!! Ha! So glad you had a great week!

    Can't wait to see the family beach pics!

  5. Looks like a WONDERFUL vacation!!!! Your boys are so handsome!!! Girl, you have abs of steel! Make me wanna get this baby OUT and hit the gym! haha! :-)

  6. I absolutely LOVE reading your blog! I have to you work out everyday or is your body just naturally thin and tone?! You look great!! Hopefully I can get my body back in shape after I have this baby!!

  7. SO fun!!!! But sad you were in Florida and I didn’t get to see you :(

  8. Enjoyed your pictures.

    I had to let you know I thought about you all and Reese Saturday when I was in Pep Boys with my boys. I saw some sort of hitch on a display and the company was Reese. I didn't have my camera or I'd have taken a picture for you.

    Hope your boys have a great week at school!

  9. Love all the pics!! Man, u guys are tan!!!! JEALS!!! I really want to take my kids to Destin, it looks fabulous!!!!! All 3 of my kids love running around in their undies. HEHE!! Oh, is that a feather i see in your hair??? CUTE!!!!

  10. I love Destin!!! You look fabulous! Oh, and I love your feather, I wish I could get one but I'm scared of what my boss might think!! ha

  11. Looks like you had an awesome time!!! Have fun starting school today!

  12. Looks like so much fun! Your so pretty and you have such a cute family!!

  13. WOW-that looks so beautiful!!! You got some precious pictures!! Can't wait to see the family shots.
    Btw, You look amazing!!!

  14. I have been following your blog for a while now and I just have to say that you are such an inspiration! You have a beautiful family:) Good luck with the first day of school!
    P.S. How do you stay in such great shape???

  15. Great pics Katie! I see you're still sporting your feather...I love it!! Ever since I saw you with it in July, I've noticed them on so many people! I'm sure if I went and got one, the trend would end the next day or something! Ha! :) Glad ya'll had a fun time! Makes me want to go to the beach, but I think I'm ready for Fall now. It's too hot!

  16. We love Destin too!! The water looks beautiful. Where did you get your bathing suits? They are so cute and pretty!! I am having a hard time finding one that is not teenage looking but not old ladyish either!!

  17. I'm loving all the beach pictures! We missed out going this year :( but at least I got to see some wonderful pictures!

    Lots of love xoxox

  18. In light of your bikini pics, you clearly need to do a diet and work-out post! I mean, FOR REAL.

  19. katie, you look great! girl, if i looked like you, i would have a picture of me in my bikini as my blog header - ha! looks like y'all had a great time! we go to the beach in a few weeks and i can't wait!!

  20. Cute suit! I love all the picures. Looks like a fun vacation. That picture of Zach that makes you sad will be a treasure one day.

  21. Looks like a great vacation. The boys are so adorable! I always say my boys look like brown bears or beach babes after time in the sun. There is nothing better than time at the beach, oh how I miss it!

  22. Hi Katie! I have to know where you got that blue ruffle bikini. PLEASE!

  23. We just went to Destin for the first time last month and absolutely loved it. We are already planning on going next year. Where did you stay?

  24. Hoping you had the most relaxing time :)

  25. That looks like a beautiful place to vacation!! I may have to look into that! I would love to know where you got those gorgeous sunglasses btw! ;)


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