Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More Beach

Ya'll are really sweet! Being pregnant with Reese and Colson back to back was really hard on my body, and I've spent this past year trying to get back on track with exercising and eating right. It makes me feel much more balanced and helps me keep up with our boys. ; ) 

Our last night on the beach pics ~
Love my boys' smiles

What would I do without this little guy?
the boys with Gran & G-Daddy
the boys with Papa & Gigi
the guys
the girls
Jason's fam
The day we came home from the hospital with Colson I thought he looked just like Andrew. I definitely still think he resembles him!

Andy is available, ladies. ; ) Some cutie hasn't snatched him up yet!
This is how it is most of the time! Z is all.Silly.Boy.
Everybodies (Z loves to say this)
Colson's footprints are in the upper left corner. ; )
Gran gave the boys these cute beach patrol shirts. This picture makes me laugh because of all their faces. Westin and Colson do not know what to think, while Z tries to be the good big brother/cousin.

Goodbye summer! Hello fall. Although I'm still not ready for cold weather. ; )

He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of His mercy.

Titus 3:5

Sunday, August 28, 2011

the Beach

We had a wonderful time with Jason's family in Destin. Our last hoorah of the summer!
All ready to go (this is packing light for us)
I have no idea how we all fit, but I did have a cooler at my feet. ; )
When did my sweet boy get so old? Z was a little brown berry after the second day. : ) He could not get enough of the pool.
Cute baby face


Colson didn't know what to think his first day on the beach. He took it all in.

Yes, Z is wearing undies. He doesn't like to be on the beach (or out of the pool) with a wet bathing suit on so he just took it off. ; )
Colson & Papa

Z & G-Daddy
Colson & G-Daddy
Z is way too young to be giving me this face! He was not happy with me. Kind of makes me sad.
This is where Colson spent a lot of his time. It worked perfectly.
We took family beach pics our last night in Destin, but that's another post. The boys start school tomorrow! Is it silly I'm nervous? ; )

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Splish Splash

We've had our hands full at the beach this week. ; )
Lots of sand, sun, swimming, shopping, and sweets.
Colson hopes he didn't miss out on anything while we were gone!

It's good to be home, and would anyone like to please unpack for me?!

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Zach has such sweet little friends. McCoy was his very first friend to come over (by himself) and play this summer.

These two are wild together! They scream and wrestle and laugh and usually get in trouble at the gym for being too loud. Thank goodness the workers are so sweet and know these boys so well.

Again I take no responsibility for Zach's socks with his sandals. ; )

They also played at the pool a few times this summer.
It's fun watching these little friendships develop. Zach and McCoy's soccer teams play against each other this fall, and I can't imagine what will happen. They will probably just start wrestling on the field. It will be crazy, I'm sure!

The Purple Squirrels (Zach's team) start their games in a few weeks.  We've practiced so much I hope we will be ready. Ha! At one practice I was yelling at encouraging Z to "hustle." He walked over to me and said, "What does hustle mean?" It was cute. His hustle motivation may need to come in the form of suckers. ; )

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


What is it with men and storms? ; )
Jason loves to watch a good storm (and I do too, when I have a chance to sit down and watch!). The other night he took Z outside to watch one, and I thought Colson needed to join them. ; )
I just had to laugh at my three men outside. I love how Colson watches his big brother. We tell him to watch and learn from Zach's mistakes, too!
Z never misses an opportunity to entertain. Sweet boy. Drama drama.

Can you command the clouds so that a flood of water covers you? Can you send out lightning bolts, and they go? Do they report to you: "Here we are"?

Job 38:34, 35

Sunday, August 21, 2011


One week from today I'm going to a Girls' Night Out in NWA. I'm so excited to see Anita Renfroe and Mandisa! I can't wait.

I was looking on youtube for some videos of Anita and found "All the Wrinkled Ladies." Oh my goodness it's hilarious! My mom didn't think so, but she did laugh. ; )

Hope this brings a smile to you today!

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given...

Ephesians 1:18

Friday, August 19, 2011

the Library

This week I took the boys to the library for the first time together. I think I know now why I've waited so long. I didn't really think much about it before we went, but after we left I understood why everyone was so helpful. 

Maybe they were trying to get us out of there. ; )
Zach was wonderful, but his voice is very loud, and libraries are of course quiet. I told him he could check out 5 books, and we left with 10. He kept saying, "WOW WOW! Look at this book." It was so cute. 

He choose books about dinosaurs, snakes, sharks, and insects. He picked out a beach book for Colson, too. Thankfully we did not go near the spider section. ; )

I checked out this book by James Dobson. 
Has anyone read it? I've heard it's great. Not that I have time to read, but I'm really going to try. It's described as helping parents and other role models in "...shaping the next generation of responsible, GOD-honoring men." I love this!

I feel such a burden (in a good way) to be the mom our boys need and learn what makes them tick and what is important to them. I want to guide their hearts to be gentle and loving yet bold and strong. 

I have a lot of learning to do. ; )

I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be restrained.

Job 42:2

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friend 2 Friend

Good morning! The past few weeks have definitely caught up with the boys and me, and we slept until 8! So nice. This has never happened and will probably never happen again. ; )

Today I'm a part of Janette's Friend 2 Friend Match Up. Every few weeks she features two bloggers as a fun way to meet and connect with other bloggers. Janette is so creative and has a beautiful daughter named Reese, too.

Have a wonderful Thursday and soak up these summer days. ; )

May Your faithful love rest on us, LORD, for we put our hope in You.

Psalm 33:22

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


That is too funny some of you noticed Zach's finger touching the fish in my last post! I was going to mention it, but decided not to. He has always pointed with his middle finger. ; )

I seem to talk about suckers a lot lately, but that is just where we are in life. ; ) When we tell him he can't have another one, he says he needs to "check" them. The other day I found him hiding under the table licking one as fast as he could. It was hilarious.

So guess who found a sucker Z hid? 

Baby brother
 He was pretty proud of himself.
 Don't worry, I was watching him (as I took pictures!).
 He put the sucker in his mouth and took it out quickly with this cute smile on his face. It was like he got a rush of sugar.
I don't think Colson will have a choice whether to like them or not with Zach around.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Proverbs 16:24

Monday, August 15, 2011


On Reese's birthday we drove a few hours to meet my parents at Gaston's, a fishing resort on the White River. Jason had never been fishing there before so I was excited for him. I love it there. My dad and I fished Friday morning, and then Jason and I went Saturday morning while my dad took a fly fishing class. Thanks for watching the boys, Mom!
Our guide Ron was great. He's been a guide for 32 years!
The limit was 5 trout each, so we threw lots of smaller ones back.
Zach loved fishing in the pond. He was so cute reeling in the fish. He tried to get me to hold a worm we used as bait. He kept saying, "It's ok, Mom. It's ok!" No thank you!

Sweet Colson was a mess while we were there so we came home early. He has four or five teeth coming in.
Fuzzy phone picture
Everyone ate trout Friday night at the restaurant except me. I don't like to eat fish. I did try a bite just because we caught it. ; )
We saw several boats with little boys and their dads or grandpas, and it made me think of Zach and Colson. It makes me excited about future trips!
It's was great to get away for a few days, and it's good to be home. School starts in two weeks!

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

1 Corinthians 10:13