Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week, Winner & Weekend

Hello, everybodies! Zach likes to say this. ; )

Colson is spending the next few days with Gran and G-Daddy, and I'm so excited about playing with Zach. Tonight he said, "Colson won't bother us, right Mom?" Too funny. He says this but he adores his baby brother. We have lots of special things planned. 

Thank you all for entering the Picky Sticky giveaway!

The winner is #9. 

Congrats Beth! I'll email you with the details.

True Random Number Generator  9Powered by RANDOM.ORG

I promise I typed the max as 153, but when I copy and paste it only shows 100. 

I am up way too late again. This weekend was wonderful with my friends, and of course we didn't get much sleep. Too much to talk about. It's so worth it though! I'll hopefully catch up this week.

I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

Psalm 18:3


  1. So happy I got to see you and hug your neck!!!!! Loved it. Love you! Happy week with Z!


Thanks for your comments!