Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

I'm so thankful for my dad. He's wonderful and kind. Wise and funny. He's so encouraging and always knows the perfect thing to say. I love you, Dad!
 We started off our weekend with a 5K. It was hot! But fun. ; ) It was for a good cause, so that makes it all the better.
Our sweet friends Clint and Ashley watched the boys while we ran.
We also went to the pool with Jason's parents, Shannon, Cody and Dubs. So glad his parents came to visit!

Last night we grilled out at Shannon's house and took the boys to the park. They have it so easy. ; )
 Zach made a little friend. He loves frogs and any other kind of animal or bug. It works well for me because I am scared of spiders (and most insects), and he doesn't mind killing them for me. ; )
My handsome boys before church

Jason is an amazing dad. Zach and Colson adore him and light up around him. He's a Godly example to our boys of what a man should be. He's gentle, silly, and so sweet with them.

I love you, babe.

As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him...

Psalm 103:13


  1. Happy Father's Day, Jason!! I thought about you and prayed for you this morning. Reese loves her daddy just as much as the boys do! What an amazing dad you are. Love you!

  2. Is your husband like mine and asks when you're taking the photo if it's for the blog? Ha!

  3. great picture of all your boys! and girl, you have your hands full with that sweet zach....he seems like he has NO FEAR! :) he would make my nervous heart just stop - haha!

  4. Hiya!! Love you all....looks like a great and busy weekend! Love the pic of the three boys:)

  5. Thinking of Jason (and you too, of course) today. I know he wishes Reese was here to celebrate Father's Day with him. That picture of the boys is so so cute!

  6. That is an awesome picture of Jason and your little men! Sounds like a fun weekend!
    Btw, Zach and my boys would get along great. I just posted about bugs last week. I can't stand all of those creepy, crawly critters but my boys love catching them. =)

  7. Oh I love seeing such good pictures of you and your sweet family! It looks like ya'll had a perfect weekend together to celebrate Father's Day!


  8. The picture with the frog reminds me of my son. Although I was raised in the country, I am not a lover of non-furry critters, either. When my son was about 2 1/2 I had the back door open letting them play in the back yard-we also live out in the country. He came in carrying a lizard in one hand and its tail in the other insisting I fix it. I said (w/o trying) that I couldn't and he started to cry. Then I gave it my best try, explained that lizards break sometimes when they are scared, and we should wait to see if dad could fix it--he'd be home any minute.

  9. Check out your boys all decked out in there Ralph Lauren trendy and presh :) The hubs will only wear Ralph Lauren ha so when Kelc was little I would put her in the Ralph Lauren tennis dresses hard to find her sizes in them now LOL....

    Ya'll ran a marathon girl ya'll are silly ha! I can't wait til my legs work better so I can walk down the street!

    OK so happy father's day to Jason and your dad! The cousins look so presh together...

    love this post



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