Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving was filled with laughter, eating, and watching Abby and Zach play. They love each other so much. We missed you, Meredith and your fam!

Z and Abs loved playing outside in the leaves.
Thursday morning I was talking with Zach about all the yummy foods we were going to eat for lunch, and he said, "I want to go to Taco Bell." Crazy kid.

My mom's cinnamon rolls are little pieces of heaven. We usually fight over who gets the middle ooey gooey one. Ha! Thanks, Mom, for all the delicious food. There is nothing like mama's cooking. ; )
Happy boy
Mandy, Abs, & Bo
Pappy, Abby, "Buns," & Colson
Mando & me
Hope ya'll had a happy Thanksgiving! My heart is heavy for those who are deeply feeling loss this year. I'm so thankful that even with everything we have been through the LORD gives us joy, hope and peace.

I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—
You will have plenty to eat, until you are full,
and you will praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has worked wonders for you...

Joel 2:25-26


  1. Beautiful pictures, Katie. Looks like you all had a wonderful time!!!!

  2. Your family looks beautiful, Katie. I wish you knew how much of a blessing to me it has been reading your blog this past year. When I was struggling with a miscarriage, your posts made it easier.. now this November my baby girl was born sleeping and I have looked back at some if your posts and verses and seeing your fam happy and healthy with Colson is amazing. My heart hurts but His grace carries me...

  3. Happy Thanksgiving sweet blogger friend! You look so insanely gorgeous as always...and your boys so stinkin handsome! I know you are so thankful for this new man in your life this year! Thank you Lord for blessing Katie and her fam with Colson this year!

  4. LOVE THE PICS!!! You are so much better about getting pics with the adults in them! I didn't get ONE of me and Mandy!! CRAZY! Missed seeing ya'll so much. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first pic of Zach! Colson looks so BIG, and he's getting dark hair!! love it!

  5. Hi Katie - you don't know me, but I just have to tell you what a complete inspiration you are to me. Luckily for me, I've never experienced the loss of a child but I've watched several of my friends & one of my students suffer through one. Your faith and positive outlook on life is incredible. Please know that you (and Reese) are positively impacting people's lives who you've never met. God bless you and your absolutely beautiful family!! Thank you so much for opening yourself & your family up to others. :)

  6. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to your beautiful family! :-) I'm glad you were able to have a great holiday and enjoy time with family! :-)

  7. Great photos...looks like a wonderful family Thanksgiving at your house! Tell your mom she can bake & bring over to my house any time....I think I can almost SMELL those delicious looking buns!!

  8. So much fun at the White house. I LOVE seeing you smile. I LOVE that sweet baby boy....can't get enough of those cheeks!!!!! Come see us soon!

  9. Beautiful pictures! Looks like you all had a great Thanksgiving.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! Love all the pictures! Just beautiful! Those cinnamon rolls look delish!

  11. Okay, Colson looks just like Jason in that pic of him smiling so big!! Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving with family. Z wanting taco bell instead...made me LOL!!

  12. LOVE that first picture of Zach and the one of you and Colson smiling. LOVE all the smiles and JOY!!! It was SO VERY GOOD to talk to you today friend. May the Lord continue to send reasons to be grateful and joyful your way! Love you!

  13. love all the pictures . . looks like a great Thanksgiving was had!

  14. Katie those pictures are beautiful!! I love them, you have such a beautiful family! I really like that last family picture!! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


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