Sunday, October 11, 2009


Even though I was "over" my birthday this year, my husband was not. ; ) He threw me a surprise 30th birthday party Friday night. It was amazing to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family (especially this year)!

K.C., me, & Janet

Michele, Jennifer, Heather, and Lindsey

Cari, me, & Shannon
Ashley and Clint (the bus driver) ; )

My tall, dark, and handsome hubby & me
Make a wish!

Melanie did a great job cutting the cake.

I just thought the party was my only surprise...
Jason surprised me with a car. ; ) He has always loved trading any kind of vehicle, so I know this was a lot of fun for him...and me. I kept thinking, "I don't deserve this. I don't deserve my wonderful husband, family, and friends." I know I don't. Only by GOD's grace.

The whole night was overwhelming to me in an amazing way. I will never forget looking around at everyone's faces when they jumped out to surprise me, and I loved being around so many people I care about. They know my pain over Reese's death yet they want to celebrate life with me. On the inside I was jumping up and down and screaming with delight because my heart was so full. On the outside all I could do was smile. It was nice.

I will always laugh when I think of Clint driving a bus to bring everyone to our house. They parked over a hill so I wouldn't see any cars. My niece Allie had a good time riding around in it. more secrets. ; )

Thank you, babe. I love you I love you I love you!

Place me like a seal over your heart...for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.

Song of Solomon 8:6


  1. He did a GREAT job! YOU deserved every second of it and MORE!! Heres to a GREAT year ahead.

  2. what a sweet husband! that is so sweet! looks like a ton of fun!

  3. Wow! What a man! And, what a cake! I love it!! And Happy belated Birthday!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! Was it the 9th? If so we are birthday twins :) Such a sweet hubby to do that!


  5. That is so awesome!! What a wonderful hubby you have!

    And Lindsey, that is in one of the first pictures, was one of my Granny's physical therapists while she was at Healthsouth a couple of weeks ago after her surgery! She was very sweet!

  6. Happy Birthday to you. Looks as though you had a wonderfully blessed day. Seeing your smile in these pictures is priceless!
    Blessings on your special day and always,
    Matthew 21:22

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope that God blesses you this year more than you could ever imagine!

    What a sweet hubby! What kind of car did you get?!? (I'm nosey!) ha!

  8. What an awesome surprise. You are so humble, so I'll say it for you: You do deserve it. God delights in the praises of His people and you are a delight to Him and to ALL of us! I love the photos that captured your surprised look on your face about the car!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Happy Birthday!

    You listen to the longings of those who suffer. You offer them hope, and you pay attention to their cries for help. Psalm 10:17

  9. Katie, how fun! A new car! What did you get?!?! So exciting!

  10. got any more Jason's for us single gals?? pass 'em along!!

    What kind of car did you get??


    ps. my word verification is "blesse" you are blessed with a d!! :)

  11. What an amazing husband you have. you are only lucky lady! What an AWESOME gift and total surprise! Love the cake and glad you had a smile on your face!

  12. Happy birthday! What a sweet hubby!!! I thought about you all through church this morning. Makes me sooooo happy to see you smiling!!!

  13. Happy Birthday Katie, what a wonderful surprise for you!!!! Your husband is so sweet, what an amazing job he did planning everything.


  14. Happy birthday Katie...You deserve.



  15. Happy Birthday! You guys are the most precious couple!!! You totally and completely deserved such a special birthday night. Loved that cake, too!!!

  16. That's great!!! Jason did good! Happy Birthday (a few days early)!!!! =)

  17. Great job! What fun!!!

    Happy Be-lated Birthday!

  18. Been thinking about you today!! I am so glad that you had an amazing birthday!! He really is a keeper :)

  19. Awww! What a great night! Your hubby is so sweet! Happy Bday!

  20. A school bus? A Car? I love it!

    Happy Birthday, Katie! You deserve it, you really do!

  21. Katie,
    What a sweet surprise!! You have a wonderful husband!! Happy Birthday!

  22. That cake was so pretty! I hope it was yummy too. It's great to see you smiling. What a great husband! This was a great way for him to show you that he loves you and cares for you even in the hard times. I am sure your relationship with Jason has been tested yet strengthened. You are still in my prayers!

  23. Sweet! What a great hubby you have! You deserve it and more! A Car....WOW.... how great is that! Oh and I love the cake.... Really cute!

  24. Wow---that is awesome! My 29th birthday is also this week-----doubt I will get a party and a car---but maybe next year for my30th?!?!? A girl can dream right?! Praying you have a good week, losing my little girl 3 months to the day of my birthday, is going to be a little bitterweet, so I will be thinking of you this week....happy birthday!

  25. Oh---and do tell----what car did you get?!?!??!

  26. Happy Belated Birthday! What car did you get. that is super exciting and your hubby must be a master secret keeper! He sounds so sweet!

  27. Happy Birthday!!! What a sweet and unforgetable birthday. You look so happy surrounded by your loving friends. And a new vehicle, wow!!! Do tell what you got. :-) Your have a sweet and wonderful hubby.

  28. What a great birthday you had. So sweet of your husband! Loved that cake too! And whoa, a new car!

  29. Awww, how incredibly sweet and awesome, I bet you felt soooooooo loved!!!!! So glad it was a GREAT birthday for you!! Love you, Katie :)

  30. Happy Birthday Katie!!! You are so blessed!!!


  31. What a great hubby! I hope you had a great time! Still praying for you dear!

  32. Katie, I saw Clint in that bus and couldn't stop laughing. I hope you had a wonderful surprise. What a precious group of people who surround you. I saw your 'present' too. Girl, you're gonna look GOOD driving that around!!

  33. it! Happy Birthday, Katie!!

    You have a sweet man and you deserve every bit of it!


  34. What a precious gift from God is your husband?! Of course God knew what you'd need before you did. : )
    Looks like a great party, I'm sure you had fun! Happy Birthday and many more blessings coming your way in the coming year! : ) Holly

  35. It drove me crazy to not be able to say anything on Thursday night - I almost turned around and drove back for the party on Friday. I'm so glad you were shown how loved and special you are to SO MANY people!

  36. Wow, what an awesome surprise. I'm glad it was a good birthday, you deserve it!

  37. Katie, you so deserved such a great birthday and what a great husband you have to plan it all. So sweet.

  38. That is SOO WONDERFUL!!! Happy Birthday!!!! LOVE that cake too!! It was gorgeous!!!

  39. WOW what a great surprise!!!! I love surprise parties.. Looks like you had a very much deserved great time with friends....

  40. I have been so excited to see these pictures! What a wonderful husband, family and friends you have. I know they must all love you dearly. And you do deserve all of it! I want to see pictures of that car!! Pray you have a wonderful year ahead Katie.

  41. What a sweet husband! I hope you had a great birthday :)

  42. What a wonderful bright spot in your life. It lightens my heart to see it.

  43. yay jason, what a stud! so glad you were celebrated, you deserve it lady! i want to see more pics of your new car! there is a picture that you look so much like your beautiful mom, wish I could hug your neck!

  44. What an awesome surprise! So sweet of your husband! Looks like you had a wonderful time surrounded with family and friends! You deserved it! Happy Belated Birthday!

  45. Happy Birthday Katie! I know it is hard to begin to celebate life when loosing Reese is still so fresh, but this is what your little girl would want for you mom. I pray the celebrations get easier.

    Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
    Laura Ann

  46. I love it! How sweet :) Glad you had a happy birthday. And I am with everyone else. What kind of car was it?!?

  47. Love it! Good Job Jason!!
    and Katie, you NEEDED that!
    Happy Birthday, beautiful lady!

  48. Happy late Birthday!!!! Oh sweet Katie, you are so humble, but you deserve every last little detail of your special day! Yay for Jason coming through strong and for being such a wonderful hubby! It amazes me everyday that God knew exactly what we needed in our spouses! I am so glad you had such a fun time! Man, I would love to dig into that beautiful cake!

  49. I am so glad you have an amazing night! Enjoy the good times, they are sent from God.... Love you!

  50. Happy (belated) Birthday! What a sweet, special husband you have. You DO deserve all the blessings you have... you DO deserve them!!

  51. How FUN! Happy 30th birthday and what an AWESOME cake! I'm so glad you have such a wonderful husband and friends there to remind you to live in the present always. Big hugs sweetie and kudos to your husband on a great surprise party and a great surprise gift! :o)

  52. Katie,

    Do you mind sharing where your gold coin necklace is from? I just love it and I know I have seen it somewhere before! I am trying to expand my gold :)


  53. It was so much fun!
    I wish we had a video of all of us waiting on you to get there. We were so nervous!! Haha!
    Clint driving the bus really was one of the highlights of the night.:)

  54. Happy Birthday!!! Praying for a wonderful year ahead!

  55. Oh Katie, I'm SO GLAD you had a great birthday! I know this one must have been hard for you and praise Him that you were surrounded by family and friends as you marked the occasion.

    I also want you to know that I took the advice you gave in one of your previous posts. My daughter, Taylor, fell at Parent's Night Out Friday before last and broke her elbow, which required emergency surgery the next morning.

    At first I was so upset about the situation and could do nothing but cry looking at my baby in that hospital bed. Then I remembered the post when you asked all of your readers to heap tons of love on our little ones because you don't have that chance with Reese, on Earth that is.

    As soon as I remembered that, I felt an incredibly peace and I knew that if you could say goodbye with such grace to your precious babe this side of Jesus' return, that I could make it through Tay having surgery and all that entailed.

    Thank you for sharing from your heart. You are certainly making a difference in the lives of others. :-)

  56. Happy Birthday Katie! Glad you had such a great birthday!!!

  57. Hey, I don't know who you are and you don't know me. I saw your blog on someone else's and was so touched when I started reading it! Reese was a beautiful little girl, and I just have so much respect and admiration for you and your family as you have gone and continue to go through these hard times of losing her. Your family is adorable and you are just amazing! I just wanted you to know that you have touched me so much and changed the way I view life and I will definately cherish every minute I get to spend with y 13 month old daughter. Thank you!

  58. Happy 30th.

    We had a big birthday for me the year Janie flew. It was my 32nd birthday, not a big year, but I just felt the need to be around my favorite people.

    Here's to living....

    Take care.

  59. Hi Katie - I e-mailed you a few weeks ago...I'm Lori's cousin.

    You've been on my mind lately and I wanted to let you know that I've been praying for you - especially today!

    Happy Belated Birthday! That cake is beautiful! And congrats on the new car - fun stuff!


  60. Cari told me about the party-- happy birthday late! That cake is AMAZING! And what a surprise-- a new car... SO fun!!!! Way to go Jason!

  61. Happy Birthday Katie! Looks like a great time! Your Hubby was so sweet to do all of that for you! You deserved all of it and more! Have a good day and hope you and Z are enjoying the car!

  62. Happy Birthday Katie! You deserve it.

  63. happy birthday!!
    god is so good to bless us with husbands who adore us and by these pictures your husband definitely DOES!!

    what a GREAT 30th bday for you...

    my bday was the 6th....october bdays are the BEST!!!

  64. So glad you had such a special party. You are precious and deserve it dear.

  65. Katie!

    Great Pictures! Jason really out did himself this year! May you have a blessed birthday, enjoy your time with family! You're in our thoughts and prayers.

    P.S. I'm still waiting for my ride :) Oh, and the bus really was the best part of the night!

  66. Yay! How fun and how sweet of Jason! And, a car! Now, that is a fantastic 30th birthday! I love the pic when you are getting surprised and the one of you in the car and Jason looking at the camera. Your love for each other is so evident!!!


Thanks for your comments!