Sunday, January 25, 2009

Better Late Than Never

These pics were taken a few months ago when Zach turned one year. Wendy Dunn has taken pictures of Zach since he was 10 days old. I love how they turned out. It was a beautiful warm fall day.

Jason's favorites are Zach sitting by the AR sign.

I didn't even know Wendy took this until we got our proofs back, but I love Zach's face!

Total chill

Fun with Dad

This is one of my it!

Cake time!

He didn't quite know what to think about the chocolate cupcake.



  1. these are gorgeous.
    Such a beautiful family you have.

  2. Hi Katie~
    All of those pictures are wonderful! Your baby is so sweet! :) I hope you had a good Monday! :)

  3. these are precious! what a beautiful family. thanks for posting them!

  4. These are great. I need some info about this photographer.

  5. I know I have commented on these before. It must have been on facebook. But, everytime I see these pictures I smile. They must melt your heart! Z is one handsome boy! Wendy has done family pics of us...she is great!

    I never noticed we had the same skirt fabric. I think we have the same crib, too. The one posted on my blog is not the actual picture. I couldn't get the one from Bratt Decor to upload or download or whatever they do!!! I just can't decide if I want the four posts or not. I LOVE the crib both ways!

  6. Those are SUCH good pictures! You have got the handsomest little boy I think I've ever seen!! He is so cute! I love the little topless picture with his daddy...such a sweet face. Y'all are a cute family!


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