Monday, October 6, 2008

Simple Entertainment

Zach played in this box for 20 minutes this morning. I just pushed him around the house from room to room. This is a big deal for a boy who never sits still!

I guess it's true what people say about boys being less expensive than girls! Ha!


  1. This is so funny! I need to try this with Noah because he is definitely well into the "can't sit still" phase!

  2. Stillest I have seen him in a WHILE.

  3. Dillon plays with odd stuff like that often... sometimes more then his toys... ha. Sometimes you just do what it takes. ;)

  4. Hi Katie,

    You have such a fun blog! The ottoman is from Sam's. I'm not sure if they have them anymore, but you may check both locations. I hope you can find one! : )

    It was so nice to meet you!

  5. My parents bought it last month in Spetember as a birthday gift for me from the one up in Rogers/Bentonville.


Thanks for your comments!